TempSure Skin Tightening
Service Description
The TempSure Envi treatment minimizes facial fine lines and wrinkles and tightens skin. It’s safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure, so it fits perfectly into any beauty maintenance routine, any time of year. TempSure Envi treatments require no surgery, no needles, and no downtime, so you can immediately get back to what you were doing and look great doing it. TempSure Envi technology delivers radiofrequency energy to gently heat your skin. Increasing the skin’s temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight, dense, and neatly organized giving you tighter, younger-looking skin.
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for booking with us! We look forward to seeing you. As a disclaimer, we must inform you of our cancelation policy at Saffron Laser Aesthetics and Medical Spa. If a cancelation occurs less than 24 hours from scheduled service, you will be subject to a cancellation fee of $50. Clients who miss their appointment without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service.
Contact Details
3200 Walford Avenue, Eureka, CA, USA